His Hands
His Hands is about knowing the touch of the Father's hands in every event of our lives, especially throughout each day.
His Subtle guidance and thoughts for us become evident as we acknowledge His presence. You will also be able to see your purpose and destiny for which He created you. That will bring you JOY! "Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost. That's the Kingdom of God!"
Many Thanks to Charlotte, Hannah, and Robert for loving me and allowing me to work long hours to complete this and so many other projects. To Barbara Pope for all your help with family and those famous head rubs. Mom, I dedicated the title track, "His Hands", to you. Lisa Chambers, "The Called One" is dedicated to you because I believe in you. Thanks to Pablo Perez & Juan Carlos Manzewitsch, for your friendship for encouraging this project. Wayne and Brenda White, I love you guys "too much"! Wayne, "Shout to the Lord" is dedicated to you, bro. Brenda, "I Want to See Your Face" is for you and all our FINE ARTS CAMPERS friends. Many thanks to Janet Shell.
To GRACE INTERNATIONAL, my church family, I dedicate "Think About His Love" because He is loving us and we are learning to pour out Hi agape love, AMEN? Pastor Bill and Evelyn Traylor and Pastor Joe and Virgie Bogue, I want to dedicate "Liberty" to you. For without the liberty to travel and walk out my destiny, these musical relationships displayed on this project would not have been. Thanks for your love and friendship and for covering me as I travel.